Historically, athletics were a male-dominated part of life, women in athletics aren’t treated the same as men. Gender discrimination in sports exists because of unequal media coverage, quality of equipment, and a significant wage gap between male and female pro athletes. Gender inequality has always been an issue for women in athletics. The Title IX Essay On Gender Discrimination In Sports Words | 4 Pages. Since gender discrimination in sports foes not give men and women equal rights and opportunities, promoting sports without gender divisions will lessen this. Gender discrimination in sports is the discrimination which is based on one’s ability i athletics on their gender 4/5/ · If some kind of sport is more popular among female or male players, this does not imply that the other gender cannot perform in the sport. Furthermore, according to law, if there is no female baseball team in a high school, a girl can try out for the boys’ team, even though a boy cannot do the same for a girls’ team since boys are the over-represented sex in sports (Collor, Sports Genders in /5
Gender Equality In Sports Essay - Words | Cram
Please enter the email address that you use to login to TeenInk. com, and we'll email you instructions to reset your password. Inequality in sports has been an issue ever since women were introduced to sports. While researching the differences in wages and respect of male athletes vs. Some of the reasons why women and mens sports should be equal are women work just as hard as men or even harder. And lastly women deserve to be treated equal to men because they sell just as much merchandise as men.
But I disagree. For example the U. Where the men have not qualified for every world cup or olympics, and have not won either event. This shows that the U. Where the U. That is more than 4 times as much as the women earned winning the tournament. Hard work and results should pay more than being a certain gender. Fans and audiences bring in a lot of money to sporting events, which is a big part of professional athletes pay wage. In some cases yes, men do bring in bigger audiences than women, but that is changing.
Japan there was S history. It even took down the more popular U. S professional sports finals, like the NBA finals and the Stanley Cup finals 7. This proves that women are now bringing in the same amount or even more ticket sales than men. Which should result in equal pay. Merchandise sales are always a huge part in an athletes salary. Merchandise is also based on how many fans there argumentative essay on gender inequality in sports for that team or organization.
The U. Which should be rewarded with equality. As inequality continues in todays sports, women are striving to get what they deserve. Women have proven that they deserve everything that men receive and there are facts that prove them right. As women are working harder than men, bringing in more ticket sales than men, and selling more merchandise than men they will one day get what they deserve.
People may wonder what they can do to help women get equal pay. Here are some ways you can help. Thank you for sharing this page with a friend! Which of your works would you like to tell your friends about? These links will automatically appear in your email. If you have a suggestion about this website or are experiencing a problem with it, or if you need to report abuse on the site, argumentative essay on gender inequality in sports, please let us know.
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Gender Equality and Sports
, time: 2:59Gender Pay Gap for Women Athletes Essay - Words | Bartleby

Essay Topic: gender inequality, sports Since the first day of man's existence, men have always been considered as the "Alpha". They have been noted to be stronger than women, which leads women to be labeled as the weaker sex. Due to that, women were never stated nor contemplated to be equal to men Along with men who try to participate in female dominate sports. Women need to be treated as equals to men. Men are also a small focus point for gender inequality. Outside of the educational aspects of gender equality, many professional sports teams are a part of this mistreatment. Women in order to be treated as equals, men need to see them as equals 23/3/ · Kelly Wallace from CNN wrote about the difference between male and female sports inequalities and said “The average salary for a WNBA player is $72,, which doesn’t include bonuses and benefits, while the average salary for an NBA player is around $5 million, or about 70 times what the average female basketball player makes” (Wallace /5(47)
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