Compare-and-Contrast Essay: Block Method & Point-by-Point Method Mrs. Maher’s 6th Grade ELA Block Writing Outline Paragraph 1: Introduction in which you state your purpose, which is to discuss the differences between vacationing in the mountains or at the beach.. Paragraph 2: Mountain – talk about 1) climate 2) types of activities 3) locationFile Size: KB The most popular essay organizing method is blocking, as it covers the whole picture of two sides. Choosing this, you should remember that it is best suitable to short texts under pages and simple topics. Brainstorm the possible topics you can argue about effectively. You may use the Venn diagram 2 days ago · It provides a clear, easy-to-follow structure · Two outline methods can help you organize your facts: use the block method, or point-by-point method, to write a compare and contrast essay outline. While using the block structure, all the information is presented for the first subject, and its characteristics and specific details are explained
Compare And Contrast Essay Outline - Examples & Templates
There are many ways of organizing a comparison and contrast essay. One block method essay outline the most popular is the block method, also known as the summary approach or the one side block method essay outline a time approach. The writer provides an introduction stating the comparisons, the contrasts and the thesis statement.
Then, the block method essay outline provides body paragraphs detailing the similarities and another body paragraphs explaining the differences. Following the body paragraphs is a conclusion that paraphrases the essay and the thesis statement. The block method works best on short papers about simple topics.
To do the block method, first write an introduction. Using the introduction as a blueprint, write paragraphs about the comparisons. Then, write paragraphs about the differences. After completing all body paragraphs, write a conclusion that ties in all your points and restates your thesis.
In addition to comparison and contrast essays, block method essay outline, you can use the block method in essays weighing disadvantages and advantages. If you are planning to write an essay in the block format, you must first brainstorm for ideas. The most common method for a comparison and contrast is a Venn diagram. To do a Venn diagram, draw two big circles that overlap in the middle. In the circle on the left, block method essay outline, write the unique features of side A.
In the circle on the right, write the unique features of side B. In the middle, the place of overlap, write the similar features of sides A and B. Other brainstorming methods are simply listing all the thoughts that come to mind with little attention paid to organization, block method essay outline.
Another, more organized, brainstorming method is arranging ideas into clusters. Although essays written in block format can be well written and effective, the biggest hurdle is disunity. You never want to jump from point to point. Another way to transition is by linking ideas. For example, briefly mention the very last idea from a previous paragraph in the first few sentences of the next paragraph. The block method is not the only way of writing a comparison and contrast essay.
In the point-by-point method, each paragraph gives a point or idea and its similarities and contrasts. In the combination method, you combine the point-by-point method with the block method. Therese Rochon is a college student and freelance writer from St. She is studying English and Spanish literature at Washington University and plans to attend law school in the future, block method essay outline. She speaks two languages and, inwill au pair in Europe to learn two more languages.
She has been writing online since Regardless of how old we are, block method essay outline, we never stop learning. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. See disclaimer. The Block Method on Writing an Essay THERESE ROCHON CLASS. Explore this article Doing the Block Method Brainstorming Ensuring Unity Other Methods.
references 1 How to Do a Literary Comparison 2 Comparison and Contrast Essays 3 How do I Write a Comparison and Contrast Essay. About the Author Therese Rochon is a college student and freelance writer from St. Related Articles. Classroom About Contact Feedback Legal Accessibility Terms of Use Privacy Policy Copyright Policy Manage Preferences.
Point by Point Method - Comparison Contrast Essay - English Writing Skills
, time: 18:58The Block Method on Writing an Essay | Synonym
Block method It is important to decide which method you are required to use and strictly adhere to it throughout. Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Point By Point The point by point outline is primarily used to compare and contrast one factor in both subjects simultaneously The block method. With the block method, you present all the relevant ideas for the first subject and then all the relevant ideas for the second subject. If you use this method, which is more suitable for short papers than for longer ones, be sure to discuss the ideas in the same order for each subject Compare-and-Contrast Essay: Block Method & Point-by-Point Method Mrs. Maher’s 6th Grade ELA Block Writing Outline Paragraph 1: Introduction in which you state your purpose, which is to discuss the differences between vacationing in the mountains or at the beach.. Paragraph 2: Mountain – talk about 1) climate 2) types of activities 3) locationFile Size: KB
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