Book with two authors. If the book is edited, refer to the Chapter in edited book/ebook section below. General Format Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial., & Author Surname, First Initial. Example - Two authors - ebook with DOI Delmas, M., & Colgan, D. (). The green bundle: Pairing the market with the planet. Stanford Author: Jill Dombrow 20/11/ · APA 6th Edition - University of Lincoln Book with two authors In-text citation (Paraphrase with the author (s) in the sentence) McQueen and Knussen () argue that blogger.com: Alexis Lamb 5/10/ · It Takes Two To Make a Thing Go Right: 15 Great Books with Two Authors Tiny Pretty Things by Sona Charaipotra and Dhonielle Clayton. The first in an intense young adult duology about the The Talisman by Stephen King and Peter Straub. A thriller about a young boy who goes on a search for an epic
Book - APA 6th referencing style - Library Guides at University of Queensland Library
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Terry Pratchett. score:and 6 people voted. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Dorothy L. score:and 5 people voted. Nicci French. score:and 4 people voted. Mary Ann Shaffer. score:and 3 people voted. Ellery Queen. Sprague de Camp. Stephen King Goodreads Author. Travis Casey Goodreads Author. score:and 2 people voted.
Hazel Gaynor Goodreads Author. Wilkie Collins. Larry Niven. Maj Sjöwall. Erin Hunter. really liked it 4. James Patterson Goodreads Author. Harris Gray Goodreads Author, book with two authors example. score:and 1 person voted. Mike Carey Goodreads Author. Jacqueline Dinan. Amie Kaufman Goodreads Author.
Magnus Flyte Goodreads Author. Douglas Preston Goodreads Author. Charles Todd Goodreads Author. score: 99and 1 person voted. flag this list? Flagging a list will send it to the Goodreads Customer Care team for review.
We take abuse seriously in our book lists. Only flag lists that clearly need our attention. As a general rule we do book with two authors example censor any content on the site. The only content we will consider removing is spam, slanderous attacks on other members, or extremely offensive content eg. pornography, pro-Nazi, child abuse, etc. We will not remove any content for bad language alone, or for being critical of a book.
Tags: authorsfictiontwo. People Who Voted On This List Alessandra books 63 friends. Themis-Athena Lioness at Large books friends. Tanya books 10 friends. Missy books 26 friends. Shannie 1 book 0 friends. Dani 11 books 76 friends. Sami Jo books friends.
Reynabell 7 books 0 friends. Post a comment ». date newest ». message 1: by Dustin new. Aug 19, AM. message 2: by Themis-Athena Lioness at Large new. Aug 20, AM. Dustin wrote: "What?? there's a tab up top, next to book with two authors example votes". message 3: by Themis-Athena Lioness at Large last edited Aug 20, AM new.
Kyle: Strictly two authors -- not three, or a whole group? ETA: Also novels only, or also plays, short fiction etc.? message 4: by Themis-Athena Lioness at Large new. Kyle ~The Rebel Leader~ wrote: " Themis-Athena: Strictly two authors please. Novels only.
message 5: by Penny new. Aug 20, PM. Great idea for a list :. message 6: by Book with two authors example Lioness at Large new. Sep 20, PM. Cat's Eye? Lady Oracle? Two protagonists, maybe yes, but two authors? message 7: by Penny new, book with two authors example. Sep 23, PM. maybe you need to clarify what is meant by 'best books by two authors'? Do you mean 'a book that has been written by two authors' or 'you can only vote for two author's books' - the latter is what I went for message 8: by Penny new.
OK will delete my ones message 9: by Abbey new. Dec book with two authors example, AM. is this book good? post a comment ». Add a reference: Book Author. Search for a book to add a reference. Flag Abuse Flagging a post will send it to the Goodreads Customer Care team for review. We take abuse seriously in our discussion boards, book with two authors example. Only flag comments that clearly need our attention. We will not remove any content for bad language alone, or being critical of a particular book.
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APA Referencing: How to Reference a book with 2 or more authors
, time: 5:00Best Books Written By Two Authors (33 books)
11/5/ · Book with Two Authors or Editors The general format below refers to a book with two authors. If you are dealing with two editors instead of two authors, you would simply insert the names of the editors into the place where the authors' names are now, followed by " (Eds.)" without the quotation marks (see the Example) 20/11/ · APA 6th Edition - University of Lincoln Book with two authors In-text citation (Paraphrase with the author (s) in the sentence) McQueen and Knussen () argue that blogger.com: Alexis Lamb 19/4/ · Works Cited: Books. Books - Multiple Authors Books - with editors, translators, etc. Book - Essay, Short Story, Poem, etc When a work has two authors, include them in the order they appear on the work, and invert the first author's name but write out the second author's name normally. In-text Citation Examples: Authors within the text Author: Britt McGowan
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