Persuasive essays are unique because you the goal is to get others to agree with you. Set the stage for your argument in the first paragraph. The introduction for a persuasive essay must get the reader interested in the topic, provide background information and summarize the main point of your paper with a thesis statement 13/11/ · Your persuasive essay should include an introduction that clearly states your position, body paragraphs that offer support for that position, a paragraph that acknowledges and refutes counterarguments, and a conclusion%(33) You may also like personal essay examples & samples How to Structure a Persuasive Essay? There are three main parts of an essay, namely the introduction, the body, and the essay conclusion. 1. Start off with an attention grabber. This should also include the thesis statement of your essay. 2. Next, you would need to present your arguments in
How to Write a Persuasive Essay (with Pictures) - wikiHow
An essay's introductory sentence is also called a hook. This sentence needs to intrigue readers enough to keep reading. While you are grabbing the reader's attention, the opening sentence also needs to be related to your persuasive essay's thesis statement.
An effective opening sentence also provides a sense of context that the rest of your introductory paragraph will build on. It is often easier to write this sentence after you have drafted the rest of your essay. Compose most of your persuasive essay first and then reread your essay's body paragraphs. Writing your introduction first will limit your ability to write, as you will be constantly self-editing to meet your introduction's limitations.
Select an introduction strategy that fits your essay's argument and content, persuasive essay intro. These strategies can easily be found online and on webpages created and maintained by college English departments and writing tutoring centers, such as the Purdue University Online Writing Lab or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Introductory hooks can include telling a story, asking a question, citing a startling statistic and more. Write several introductory sentences, one for each specific strategy. Select the one most appropriate for the style and topic of your essay. Writing is never an exact science, persuasive essay intro, and what works for one essay may be entirely wrong for the next.
Whichever strategy you use, opt for something dramatic persuasive essay intro specific. For example, "A lot of people use Kindle eReaders" would not be an effective opener.
It states the obvious in a bland way. On the other hand, persuasive essay intro, "Kindle eReaders threaten the historical primacy of the printed book" is far more dramatic and attention-grabbing. Reread your new introductory sentence and your essay's thesis statement, persuasive essay intro. Make sure the introduction sets up your thesis. The two may not need to flow exactly into each other, persuasive essay intro you should be able to logically persuasive essay intro to your thesis in only three to four sentences.
Establish a connection between the two right away. For example, if your thesis is "Books, whether in a traditional format or electronic, improve comprehension and enhance knowledge," then statistics about the increased popularity of electronic books, followed by the dramatic statement, "Kindle eReaders threaten the historical primacy of the printed book, but Check for common problems.
Persuasive essay intro sentences should persuasive essay intro be vague or too generalized. For example, "Was the banking and mortgage crisis bad for America? Hardly anybody would argue with it, and it is not as specific as, "Should Wall Street financial brokers face tougher fines and regulation from the federal government? Richard Ristow has written for journals, newspapers and websites since His work has appeared in " Nebula Showcase" and elsewhere.
He is a winner of the Science Fiction Poetry Association's Rhysling Award and he edits poetry for Belfire Press. He persuasive essay intro holds a Master of Fine Arts from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and has managed an automotive department at WalMart. length { this. removeChild sources[0] ; } else { this.
querySelectorAll 'source' ], arguments[0]. writing image by Petro Feketa from Fotolia. How to Write an Introduction Sentence for a Persuasive Essay. References MIT: Resources for Writing: Introduction Strategies Hamilton College: Persuasive Essays, the Basics.
Purdue OWL: General Writing Resources.
Persuasive Essay Writing
, time: 7:30Persuasive Essay: Writing an Introduction (Tips to Succeed)

Persuasive Essay Introduction Examples 1. Requiring More Fuel-Efficient Cars We live in tough times. Gas prices continue to increase, the economy is falling apart, and some believe that the environment is changing for the worst. All of these problems can be related to two things, the cost of fuel and the inefficient vehicles we drive Persuasive essays are unique because you the goal is to get others to agree with you. Set the stage for your argument in the first paragraph. The introduction for a persuasive essay must get the reader interested in the topic, provide background information and summarize the main point of your paper with a thesis statement 1 day ago · check my essay for plagiarism free uk freedom papers religion term How to improve english free essays and how to write an intro paragraph for a persuasive essay While these studies are usually doomed to poverty went on for a job interview, finding a flat advection of clouds over higher polypropylene fibre 1 mm wide terrain tend to be, and how words are the best ways to begin
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